![]() X-Designer - The Leading X/Motif GUI Builder - Click to download a FREE evaluation |
- .mwmrc file 650
- _MOTIF_WM_MESSAGES property 667
- 3-D widgets 57, 238, 271
- accelerators 882
- menu 591, 608
- action areas 219-227
- and dialogs 78
- buttons 133, 206, 227
- creating 222
- generalizing 221
- in dialogs 131
- action routines
- and text widgets 527
- actions 14
- add_item callback routine 442
- alignment
- widget 257, 395
- animated widgets 699, 700, 755
- compilers 24, 36
- function declarations 36
- ANSI-C 19
- app-defaults \xde le 13
- application class 21
- application context 21
- application manager
- constructing 430
- application-de\xde ned scrolling 321
- and main windows 102
- example 342-356, 893
- ApplicationShell
- and dialogs 204, 230
- creating 204
- versus DialogShell 152
- Apply button
- managing 177
- argument lists
- and setting resources 29
- arm callbacks 400
- and ToggleButton 412
- ArrowButton 387, 421-427
- arrows
- and scrollbars 331
- directional 421
- for traversing widgets 358
- atoms 638, 694
- and types in ICCCM 700
- protocol 651
- attachments
- default 257
- example 257
- Form 243
- offsets 250-253
- position 253, 255
- resources 217
- automatic scrolling
- example 325
- automatic~scrolling 319-321, 324
- auxiliary area 584
- background tasks
- executing 885-887
- backing store
- and redrawing a DrawingArea 368
- backspace key
- remapping 34
- backspacing
- and Text 575
- binary searches
- and lists 442
- bindings 33
- Boolean state
- ToggleButton 406
- borders
- 3-D 57
- color of 83
- window manager 648
- bugs
- event \xde eld 578
- PanedWindow 216
- Scale 502
- translation tables 372
- window manager 646
- Xt and varargs 24
- BulletinBoard 237-243
- and dialog shells 237
- and dialogs 130
- and font lists 238
- and geometry management 239-243
- and translation tables 241
- creating 238
- resizing 241
- button clicks
- maximum time between 556
- multiple 403
- buttons 387-431
- and menus 591
- ArrowButton (see ArrowButton)
- CascadeButton (see CascadeButton)
- dialog
- default 143
- keyboard focus 145
- pre-de\xde ned 132
- setting 136
- sizes 145
- DrawnButton (see DrawnButton)
- in action areas 133, 206, 227
- multi-colored 85
- PushButton; (see PushButton)
- radio buttons 48
- tear-off 614
- ToggleButton (see ToggleButton)
- C strings
- and menu accelerator text 609
- converting to compound strings 805, 807
- caching
- and pixmaps 80
- callback reasons 503
- XmAddWMProtocolCallback() 653
- (see also callbacks)
- callback resources (see XmN entries for individual callback resources)
- callback routines
- CascadeButton 105
- dialog 147, 220
- FileSelectionDialog 186
- List 454-460
- scrollbar 338
- SimpleMenu 108
- callback structures
- XmCommandCallbackStruct 181
- XmDragDropFinishCallbackStruct 736
- XmDragProcCallbackStruct 754
- XmDropProcCallbackStruct 746
- XmDropSiteEnterCallbackStruct 734
- XmFileSelectionBoxCallbackStruct 186
- XmRowColumnCallbackStruct 269
- XmSelectionBoxCallbackStruct 176
- XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct 569
- callbacks
- and CascadeButtons 105
- and clipboards 687
- and DrawingArea 363
- arm 400, 412
- CommandDialog 180
- cursor movement 578
- dialog 147, 220
- example 147, 149
- setting 136
- disarm 400, 412
- FileSelectionDialog 186
- List 454-460
- lists 13
- popdown 141
- popup 141
- protocol 653
- PushButton 400
- reasons; (see callback reasons)
- resources; (see callback resources)
- routines; (see callback routines)
- RowColumn 269
- Scale 503
- scrollbar 338
- SimpleMenu 108
- structures 108, 109
- Text 565, 567-580
- ToggleButton 412
- cancelling a drag operation 699
- CascadeButton 69, 387
- and callback routines 105
- and menu items 611
- and MenuBars 103-106
- and menus 589
- and option menus 601
- cascading menus 42, 589, 598
- example 631
- case sensitivity
- and mnemonics 607
- cell_height 354
- cell_width 354
- character sets 580, 803
- charset 580, 804
- CheckBox 418-421
- and mask variables 420
- compared to List 406
- creating 418
- versus RadioBoxes 418
- CheckForInterrupt() 881
- circular dependencies
- Form 260
- class names
- application 21
- classes
- de\xde nition 12
- client data 36
- changing in callbacks 876
- client messages 650-658
- clip windows
- and pixmaps 353
- ClipboardBadFormat 689
- ClipboardFail 679
- ClipboardLocked 679, 680
- ClipboardNoData 683
- clipboards 673-696
- and properties 694
- and Text widgets 528
- callback functions 687
- copying data to 678, 692
- by name 683, 684
- incrementally 688
- cut and paste 673
- convenience routines 692
- example 675-689
- data formats 689, 691
- locking 681, 688
- messages, posting by name 675
- querying for data size 682
- retrieving data from
- incrementally 680
- with XmClipboardRetrieve() 680
- with XmClipboardRetrieveCopy() 678
- with XmTextPaste() 693
- routines
- and Text widgets 551-556, 692
- selection
- and Text widgets 528
- cut and paste 551
- sending data to 678
- terminating a copy 688
- unlocking 681
- versus primary and secondary selections 675, 695
- ClipboardSuccess 679, 680, 681, 683
- ClipboardTruncate 680, 681
- close item
- window manager 651
- closing dialogs 140
- color 83-85, 504
- and DrawingArea 378-385
- and gadgets 63
- foreground 84
- setting 84
- Command 121, 180-181
- command areas
- in main windows 67, 118
- Command.h 134
- CommandBoxes 169
- command-line arguments
- specifying 22
- commands
- saving in a history list 180
- Common User Access (CUA) 6
- speci\xde cations 6, 283
- composite widgets 55
- compound objects 56
- compound strings 777, 803-842
- and Labels 46, 390
- and menu accelerator text 609
- and Text widgets 805
- C strings, converting from 805, 807
- concatenating 805
- creating 805-819
- dimensions of 841
- freeing 806
- in lists 436, 457
- internationalization 806
- language-independent 810
- manipulating 819-823
- rendering 839-841
- retrieving 821
- segments 814
- specifying as normal strings 819
- string direction 814
- text, converting to 821-823
- Con\xde gureNotify events 644
- Constraint 62
- resources 62, 217
- control areas
- and dialogs 78
- dialog 131
- control sashes 57
- and PanedWindows 275
- convenience functions 43
- and dialogs 151
- copying a \xde le via drag and drop 728
- copying and retrieving
- clipboard 673-689
- copying data via drag and drop 698
- Core 46
- CreateBitmapFromData() 81
- creating
- PushButtons 197, 357
- ToggleButtons 357
- ctrl key
- and tab key 283
- CUA (Common User Access) 6
- speci\xde cations 6, 283
- current items 64
- cursor
- callbacks 578
- insertion 542-548
- position 542
- custom dialogs 78, 195
- cut and paste
- and Text widgets 551
- clipboard 673
- example 551, 675-689
- data formats
- clipboard 689
- deactivating menu titles 606
- default action
- in list selection 454
- default button
- dialog 143
- default font list tag 812
- default language procedure 20
- DefaultDepthOfScreen 355
- delete key
- remapping 34
- deleting items from a list 444
- deselecting items from a list 446
- dialog actions 133
- dialog boxes (see dialogs)
- dialog callbacks
- adding 148
- routine for 198
- dialog shells
- BulletinBoard 237
- versus dialog widgets 131
- dialog widgets (see dialogs)
- dialogs 74-80, 169-193
- accessing internal widgets 155
- action areas 131, 205-207, 219-227
- buttons in 133
- anatomy of 131-133
- and BulletinBoards 130
- and manager widgets 205
- and shell widgets 73
- and the window manager 141
- buttons
- default 143
- fonts 147
- keyboard focus 145
- sizes 145
- callback reasons 148
- callback routines 147, 198, 220
- example 149
- closing 140-142
- CommandDialog 77, 180-181
- control areas 131, 205-207
- creating 133-142, 203-221
- custom 78, 195
- de\xde nition 4
- destroying 887
- ErrorDialog 74
- FileSelectionDialog 77, 181
- fonts 813
- full-application-modal 156
- function of 128-131
- header \xde les 133
- help 861-870
- context-sensitive 869
- example 862, 865
- point-and-click 869
- InformationDialog 75
- interacting with other windows 156
- labels
- fonts 147
- layout of 205
- managing 136-140
- MessageDialog 74, 75
- modality 79, 156-167
- example 162-164
- implementing 159
- setting 159
- modifying 195-203
- popping up 221, 231
- positioning 229-231
- pre-de\xde ned 127, 132
- primary-application-modal 156
- PromptDialog 77
- QuestionDialog 75
- relation to manager widgets 130
- resizing 146
- resources
- setting 135, 215
- reusing 140, 163
- SelectionDialog 76, 169, 170-177
- system-modal 156
- TemplateDialog 75, 198
- terminology 130
- text
- fonts 147
- titlebar 146, 215
- TopLevelShells, using with 227, 228
- transient 128
- unmanaging 140-142
- unmapping 141
- versus dialog shells 131
- WarningDialog 75
- WorkingDialog 75
- DialogShell 152
- and building dialogs 204
- and convenience routines 152
- and PanedWindow widgets 216
- children of 216-219
- creating 204
- identifying 154
- parents of 134, 205
- using with RowColumns 269
- versus ApplicationShells 152
- versus TopLevelShells 152
- direction
- string 814
- directional arrows 421
- directory
- dropping a \xde le into a 728
- directory searching 183, 191
- disarm callbacks 400
- and ToggleButtons 412
- Display 701, 709, 713
- do-not-enter symbol 699
- double-clicking
- on a list item 455
- drag and drop 46, 50, 51, 529, 697-755
- basic programming constructs 699-712
- conceptual model 698
- conversion procedures 700, 704, 729
- customizing 700
- dragging non-text data 719-736
- dropping non-text data 736-755
- encapsulating in widgets 755
- handling the drop 746
- implementation 700
- Motif widgets 699
- overview 697-699
- programming model 709-712
- protocols 708-709
- starting the drag 727-729
- transfer procedures 700
- turning off 716-717
- validity of drop 699, 706, 708, 712
- drag icons 698, 706-707
- coloring 703, 718, 728
- components 706, 728
- creating 727
- customizing 700, 707
- default operation icons for 707
- default source icons for 707
- destroying 729, 736
- specifying default icons 717
- drag protocols 708-709
- dynamic 708, 711, 715
- preregister 708, 711
- resolution based on initiator and receiver 714
- specifying 713-716
- drag sources 698, 702-704
- allowed data targets for 702
- allowed operations on 702
- and second mouse button 702
- creating 725-727
- \xde le images as 726
- incremental transfer of 703
- modifying 730-733
- multiple formats for 702
- working with 719-736
- DragContext 701, 702, 707
- creating 703, 728
- XmNdropStartCallback 735
- DragIcon 701, 707, 718
- drag-over visuals 699, 706
- customizing 711, 734-735
- modifying 717-719
- DragStart() 727
- drag-under visuals 699
- customizing 700, 711, 715, 753-755
- drawing
- and backing store 368
- and global variables 367
- directly from the action function 373
- freehand 372, 373
- into windows 883
- redrawing a DrawingArea 368
- with color 378-385
- Xlib 367
- (see also DrawingArea)
- DrawingArea 361-385
- and color 378-385
- and gadgets 367
- and keyboard traversal 371
- and scrollbars 377
- as a manager widget 362
- callbacks 363
- children 367
- clearing windows 364
- creating 362
- dragging 702
- event-handling 363
- example 364
- geometry management 368
- resizing 354
- translation tables 363, 371
- DrawingAreaInput() 372
- DrawnButton 427-430
- and PushButtons 427
- creating 427
- drop protocols 709
- drop sites 698, 704-706
- animated 700, 705, 755
- creating 745
- deactivating 716
- drag-under visuals 705
- garbage can 699
- HELP on 699
- modifying 745-746
- operations supported by 704
- overlapping 706, 711
- providing help 749-753
- registering widgets as 705
- send message 704
- shaping 706
- working with 736-755
- DropSite 701, 704, 716
- XmNdropProc 735
- XmNtransferProc 736
- DropTransfer 701, 705, 709
- creating 747
- emacs
- and Text widgets 527
- encoding 580, 803
- endpwent() 326
- ErrorDialog 133
- events
- \xde eld 578
- handling 32-39
- KeyPress 33
- KeyRelease 882
- processing 871, 877
- structures 670
- syntax 33
- timers 871
- translations 32, 288
- X event control loops 844
- examples
- action areas, creating 222
- application managers, constructing 430
- application-de\xde ned scrolling 342-356
- attachments 257
- automatic scrolling 325
- bitmap display utility 904
- bitmaps, dynamically changing 110
- browse selection, specifying 455
- BulletinBoard geometry management 239
- button clicks, multiple 403
- calendars, creating 911
- changes in Motif 1.2 95
- CheckBox 418
- clipboards, copying data to 684
- Close item, mwm 651
- compound strings
- converting to text 823
- creating 810
- dialogs
- buttons, setting 136
- callback routines 136, 147, 149
- help 862, 865
- MessageDialog 887
- modal 162-164
- modifying 202
- positioning 229
- symbols 887
- WorkDialog 873
- DrawingArea 364
- dropping \xde les into a text editor 736-744
- providing help 749-753
- \xde le browser 536
- file manager with draggable files 719-725
- FileSelectionDialog, creating 184
- Form geometry management 248
- Frame 273
- freehand drawing 373
- hello world, Motif-style 16
- help dialogs 862, 865
- icons, creating 646
- keyboard traversal
- in ScrolledWindows 356-358
- processing manually 290
- lists
- adding items to 440
- creating 435
- selecting items 447, 457
- MainWindow
- displaying bitmaps in 110
- using a ScrolledList in 102
- menu of common editing actions 551
- MenuBars 110
- menus
- cascading 619, 631
- help 610
- option 631
- popup 623, 631
- pulldown 616, 619, 623, 631
- MessageDialog 164, 887
- Motif 1.2 changes 95
- multi-font strings, creating 817
- PanedWindow 276, 279, 280
- position attachments 255
- PromptDialog
- creating 177
- protocols 656, 667
- RadioBoxes 414, 418
- RowColumn 262, 264, 266, 270
- Scales 498, 504
- scrolling
- application-de\xde ned 342-356
- automatic 325
- SelectionDialog 170
- shell, resizing 641, 643
- text
- converting to uppercase 568
- pattern, searching for 542
- text editor 556
- dropping \xde les into 736, 749-753
- Text widgets, preventing text modi\xde cation in 571
- tic-tac-toe 255
- timers, using 887
- ToggleButtons 409
- updating an existing drag source 731
- window manager functions 651
- WorkDialog 873, 877
- XmCreateSimpleMenuBar() 106
- XmNentryCallback 270
- XmNsymbolPixmap 887
- XtAppAddTimeOut() 887
- exec() system call 885
- execvp()
- system call 853
- Expose events 883
- processing 882
- expose_resize() 354
- extended selection mode 458
- external commands
- executing 885-887
- fallback resources 23
- \xde le browser 536
- \xde le descriptors
- and running external processes 887
- file manager with draggable files 719-725
- \xde le objects 736
- \xde le type masks 192
- \xde les
- searching with FileSelectionDialog 186-191
- selecting with FileSelectionDialog 181
- FileSB.h 134
- FileSelectionBox 169
- FileSelectionDialog 110, 181, 536
- callback routines 186
- creating 183-185
- searching directories 191
- \xde lesystem searches 186-191
- FMT16BIT 570
- FMT8BIT 570
- focus~callbacks 579
- font list tags 808-814
- font lists 808-814
- and BulletinBoard 238
- internationalization 812
- fonts
- and compound strings 806
- and dialogs 813
- and Labels 396
- used by widgets 813
- ForceUpdate() 884
- fork() system call 885
- Form 243-261
- and geometry management 248
- attachments 217, 243
- circular dependencies 260
- common problems with 260
- positions 253
- resizing 244
- Frame 234, 271-275
- fread() 541
- freehand drawing 372, 373
- full-application-modal dialogs 156
- function overloading 367
- functions
- callbacks
- (see also callback routines)
- popen 885
- system 885
- gadgets 63
- and DrawingArea widgets 367
- class hierarchy 53
- coloring 63
- creating 63
- de\xde nition 25
- header \xde les 18
- Label (see LabelGadget)
- managing 63
- pointers 389
- ToggleButtonGadget 406
- translation tables 290
- GC (graphics context) 367
- geometry management 61-63, 233-294
- and BulletinBoard 239-243
- and DrawingArea 368
- and Form 243, 248
- and RowColumn 262
- getpwent() 326
- global variables
- and drawing 367
- graphics context 367
- grips 57, 275
- GUI buttons
- and menus 591
- hard-coded resources 27
- header \xde les 18
- dialog 133
- private 18
- hello world program
- Motif-style 16
- help
- and drop sites 699
- and Labels 286
- help dialogs 861-870
- context-sensitive 869
- example 862, 865
- multi-level 865
- point-and-click 869
- help keys 864
- help menus 609-611
- HOME 82
- hooks (see attachments)
- horizontal alignment of widgets 257
- horizontal scrollbars 50
- and scrolled lists 438
- and clipboard functions 675
- and drag and drop 700
- and window managers 73
- icons 645-647
- creating 646
- naming 647
- setting pixmap 645
- setting position 647
- images
- and Label widgets and gadgets 391
- installing personalized 82
- names 81
- uninstalling 82
- InformationDialog 133
- as help dialog 861
- for help about drag and drop 749, 753
- initializing the toolkit 20-24
- input context 584
- input focus
- setting 293
- input manager 584
- input method 583
- insertion cursor 527, 542-548
- instantiating widgets 12
- int_sqrt() 391
- interactivePlacement 230
- Inter-Client Communications Conventions Manual (ICCCM)
- drag and drop 700
- target types 700, 726
- window sizing and placement 638
- interface design 6-9
- basic concepts 2
- internationalization 19, 580, 803-804
- and compound strings 806, 841
- font lists 812
- justi\xde cation
- and Label widgets 395
- keyboard traversal 283-293
- and DrawingAreas 371
- and ScrolledWindows 356-358
- processing manually 290
- translation table 288
- KeyPress events 33
- KeyRelease events 882
- keysyms 33
- Label 387-431
- aligning 395
- and color 85
- and PushButton 400
- and scrolled windows 342
- and Text widgets 388
- creating 389
- desensitizing 394
- dragging and dropping 46, 699, 712
- fonts 396, 813
- help 286
- images 391
- justi\xde cation 395
- multi-colored 85
- text 390
- LabelGadget 389
- LANG environment variable 20, 82
- language procedure 20, 580, 803
- libraries
- Xlib 17
- Xm 17
- Xt 17
- line wrapping
- and Text widgets 541
- linear search
- and lists 442
- linking data via drag and drop 698
- List 433-461
- and color 85
- and tab groups 65
- callback routines 454-460
- installing 455
- CheckBox, compared to 406
- creating 434-437
- dragging and dropping 50, 699, 713
- RadioBox, compared to 406
- selection policies 434, 436, 455
- browse 434, 455
- extended 434, 458
- multiple 434, 457
- single 434, 455
- (see also lists)
- lists
- adding items to 439
- example 440-442
- deleting items from 444
- deselecting items from 446
- displaying 433
- double-clicking on an item 455
- \xde nding items in 442
- making items visible 437
- positioning items in 452
- replacing items in 443
- scrolled (see scrolled lists)
- searching
- binary 442
- linear 442
- selecting items from 439, 445, 454
- default action 454
- example 447
- loading pixmaps 117
- locale 19, 580, 803
- localization 19, 580, 803
- locking
- clipboards 678, 681, 688
- main windows 66
- command areas 118
- con\xde gurability 123
- message areas 118
- suggested layout 97
- using resources with 123
- (see also MainWindow)
- MainWindow 66, 551
- creating 98
- default size 101
- layout for 67
- using a ScrolledList in 102
- when to use 97
- manager widgets 25, 53-65, 233-294
- and composite widgets 55
- and dialogs 130, 205
- and gadgets 63
- and geometry management 61
- and keyboard traversal 65, 356
- and Shells 53
- and XmNnavigationType 287
- class hierarchy 55
- creating 235-237
- DrawingArea 362
- translation table 288
- ManagerEnter() 289
- ManagerFocusIn() 289
- ManagerFocusOut() 289
- ManagerGadgetActivate() 290
- ManagerGadgetArm() 290
- ManagerGadgetButtonMotion() 290
- ManagerGadgetDrag() 290
- ManagerGadgetHelp() 290
- ManagerGadgetKeyInput() 290
- ManagerGadgetMultiActivate() 290
- ManagerGadgetMultiArm() 290
- ManagerGadgetNextTabGroup() 289
- ManagerGadgetPrevTabGroup() 289
- ManagerGadgetSelect() 290
- ManagerGadgetTraverseDown() 289
- ManagerGadgetTraverseHome() 289
- ManagerGadgetTraverseLeft() 289
- ManagerGadgetTraverseRight() 289
- ManagerGadgetTraverseUp() 289
- ManagerLeave() 289
- ManagerParentActivate() 290
- ManagerParentCancel() 290
- mask variables
- and CheckBoxes 420
- menu bars
- de\xde nition 4
- MenuBar 103-118, 553
- and CascadeButtons 103-106
- and main windows 103
- callback routines 108
- children of 69
- creating 103, 603, 618
- example 110
- item types 106
- menus 589-636
- accelerators 591, 608
- Motif versus X Toolkit 608
- and buttons 591
- CascadeButtons 589
- GUI buttons 591
- ToggleButtons 623
- and mnemonics 591, 607
- and shell widgets 72
- cascading 42, 598
- creating 619
- creating
- example 616
- designing 603-614
- help 609-611
- items 606
- data structure 615
- deactivating 611
- setting and resetting sensitivity 611
- Motif versus standard Xt 592
- option 631-636
- pop-up
- building 623
- pulldown 42, 106, 619
- pulldown;
- (see also pulldown menus)
- pullright (see menus, cascading)
- simple 592-603
- submenus, building 623
- titles 606, 611
- message areas 67
- in main windows 118
- MessageB.h 133
- MessageBox 130
- MessageDialog 127
- convenience routines for 151
- creating 133, 142
- de\xde nition 130
- example 164
- modifying 196-198
- symbols 887-892
- types of 133
- messages
- clipboard, posting by name 675
- Microsoft Windows
- Common User Access (CUA) speci\xde cations 6
- mnemonics
- and menus 591, 607
- case sensitivity of 607
- modal dialogs 79, 156-167
- example 162-164
- implementing 159
- Motif
- about 3-6
- and Microsoft Windows 6
- library 14-16
- programming with 16-39
- speci\xde cations 5
- toolkit 5
- versus X Toolkit 592, 608
- Motif 1.2 35, 46, 50, 51, 57, 69, 75, 80, 84, 85-95, 271, 527, 529, 532, 533, 535, 591, 613, 806, 812, 813
- drag and drop 697-755
- Label 712
- List 712
- MessageDialog
- additional children in 198
- tear-off menus 69, 591, 613-614
- TemplateDialog 75
- Text and TextField 712
- XmChangeColor() 84
- XmGetFocusWidget() 293
- XmGetPixmapByDepth() 80
- XmGetTabGroup() 293
- XmGetTearOffControl() 614
- XmIsTraversable() 293
- XmListAddItemsUnselected() 439
- XmListDeletePositions() 445
- XmListGetKbdItemPos() 453
- XmListPosSelected() 446
- XmListPosToBounds() 453
- XmListReplaceItemsPosUnselected() 443
- XmListReplaceItemsUnselected() 444
- XmListReplacePositions() 444
- XmListSetKbdItemPos() 453
- XmListYToPos() 453
- XmNchildHorizontalAlignment 273
- XmNchildHorizontalSpacing 273
- XmNchildVerticalAlignment 273
- XmNdialogType value 198
- XmNmodifyVerifyCallbackWcs 582
- XmNpositionIndex 276
- XmNtearOffMenuActivateCallback 614
- XmNtearOffMenuDeactivateCallback 614
- XmNtearOffModel 613
- XmNtraverseObscuredCallback 356
- XmNvalueWcs 581
- XmRegisterSegmentEncoding() 812
- XmStringCreateLocalized() 806
- XmTextDisableRedisplay() 532
- XmTextEnableRedisplay() 532
- XmTextFindString() 545
- XmTextGetSubstring() 533
- XmTrackingEvent() 869
- XmTranslateKey() 35
- Motif Style Guide 41
- key mapping conventions 698
- mouse button conventions 698
- moving data via drag and drop 698
- multibyte strings 580, 804
- multiClickTime 402, 556
- multi-colored buttons 85
- multi-colored labels 85
- multi-font strings 809, 817-819
- multi-line editing
- and Text widgets 527, 534
- multiple button clicks 403
- multiple items
- deleting from a list 444
- selecting from a list 446, 457
- naming widgets 31
- navigation groups 283, 284
- navigation types
- tab groups 287-288
- newline character
- interpreting as string separators 816
- offsets
- attachment 250-253
- zero-length 252
- off-the-spot interaction style 584
- on-the-spot interaction style 584
- Open Software Foundation (OSF) 5
- operation icon (for a drag icon) 706
- option menus 590
- and CascadeButton 601
- building 631-636
- OptionMenu 69
- output-only text 548
- overriding~translation tables 372
- over-the-spot interaction style 584
- page length
- scrollbars 332
- PanedWindow 234, 275-283, 635
- and DialogShells 216
- bugs 216
- example 276, 279, 280
- resizing 216
- sashes 283, 287
- specifying resolution-independent dimensions 279
- use in dialogs 205
- password \xde les
- returning information about 326
- pattern searches 451, 542
- pix_hoffset
- and scrolled windows 353
- pix_voffset
- and scrolled windows 353
- pixels
- converting scrollbar units to 354
- pixmaps 80-83
- and caching 80
- and the clip window 353
- icon 645
- insensitive 394
- loading 117
- single-bit 80
- single-plane 80
- ToggleButton 409-412
- pointers
- xmLabelGadgetClass 389
- popdown callbacks 141
- popen() 396, 885
- popup callbacks 141
- popup dialogs 221, 231
- popup menus 590, 593-595
- building 623-631
- compared to CheckBox and RadioBox 406
- position attachments 253, 255
- positioning dialogs 229-231
- pre-edit area 584
- PRIMARY selection property 695
- and Text widgets 528
- cut and paste 551
- primary-application-modal dialogs 156
- Primitive widgets 45
- and tab groups 287
- and XmNnavigationType 287
- class hierarchy 46
- private header \xde les 18
- programming
- drag and drop 709-712
- with Motif and Xt 16-39
- PromptBoxes
- (see also PromptDialog)
- PromptDialog 134, 177-179
- creating 177
- TextField 179
- properties
- and clipboards 694
- de\xde nition 638
- list of 639
- protocol atoms 651
- protocol callbacks 653
- protocol widgets 654
- protocols
- adding 654
- customizing 667-671
- deactivating 669
- for drag and drop 708-709
- suites 669
- window manager 71, 650-658
- pulldown menus 42, 589
- building 631
- item types 106
- pullright menus (see cascading menus)
- PushButton 387, 400
- and color 83
- and DrawnButtons 427
- and Labels 400
- callbacks 367, 400
- creating 197, 357, 400
- fonts 813
- in action areas 206
- used in DrawingAreas 367
- versus ArrowButton 49
- qualify search procedure 192
- QuestionDialog 133
- creating 196
- radio buttons 48
- RadioBox 115, 413-416
- compared to List 406
- creating 414, 418
- re_comp() 451
- re_exec() 447, 451
- realizing widgets 39
- redraw()
- and scrolling Text and List widgets 355
- redrawing a DrawingArea 368
- regcmp() 451
- regex() 451
- registering
- clipboard data formats 689
- regular expression matching 447
- rendering compound strings 839-841
- reparenting windows 145
- replacing items in a list 443
- resizing
- BulletinBoards 241
- dialogs 146
- Form widgets 244
- handles, window manager 648
- RowColumns 263
- scrolled window DrawingArea 354
- Text widgets 542
- resource database 13
- resources
- attachment 217
- callbacks 429
- color 83
- con\xde gurable 13
- constraint 217
- for dialogs 143-147
- for drag and drop 703
- getting 26-32
- hard-coding 13, 27
- names 26
- passing to more than one widget 30
- setting
- after widget creation 27
- for dialogs 135
- with convenience functions 28
- shell 639
- time 402
- using with main windows 123
- resources (see XmN for individual resources)
- restarting applications 656
- return key
- and tab key 284
- reusing
- dialogs 140, 163
- root-window interaction style 584
- RowColumn 234, 261-271, 395
- and CheckBoxes 418
- and DialogShells 269
- and Frame widgets 271
- and geometry management 262
- and RadioBoxes 414
- and ToggleButtons 408
- as a menubar 103
- callbacks 269
- creating 264-268
- example 262, 264, 266
- homogeneous children 268
- resizing 263
- Sash 283
- modifying 287
- Scale 497-508
- bugs 502
- callbacks 503
- children 58
- color 504
- creating 498-500
- labels 500
- movement 501
- values 500-501
- Screen 701, 707, 717
- setting resources for 718
- ScrollBar 298, 319-359, 522
- and color 83
- retrieving values from 355
- scrollbars
- and DrawingAreas 377
- and main windows 101-103
- callback routines 338
- design of 331
- directional arrows 331
- managing in scrolled lists 438
- placing 541
- scrolled lists 437-439
- and Form widgets 260
- scrolled text 260, 534
- scrolled windows
- automatic 338
- creating 323
- semi-automatic 338
- scrolled() 353
- scrolled~windows 319, 463, 475
- ScrolledList 437
- ScrolledText 218, 534
- and displaying text 548
- creating 535
- dropping \xde le data into 744
- parent 535
- ScrolledWindow 319-359, 463, 475
- and keyboard traversal 356-358
- and Lists 434, 437
- and Scrollbar 50
- default size 101
- setting resources 218
- scrolling 321
- application-de\xde ned 321
- example 342-356, 893
- implementing 338
- Lists 355
- monitoring 338
- Text widgets 355, 546
- search and replace 546
- search_item callback routine 451
- SECONDARY selection property 528, 695
- secondary windows 74
- segments 814
- select() system call 854
- selecting items from a list 445
- SelectioB.h 134
- selection callbacks 455
- selection methods (text)
- modifying 555
- selection policies 458
- selection properties 695
- SelectionBox 130, 169
- SelectionDialog 128, 169, 170-177
- callbacks 175
- de\xde nition 134
- example 170
- types of 169
- semi-automatic~scrolling 323
- session managers 655-658
- save-yourself protocol 656
- setlocale() 19
- Shell 70
- and building dialogs 73, 204
- class hierarchy 72
- position 640
- resizing 641-645
- resources 639
- shift key
- and tab key 283
- signal handling 843-859
- in Xlib 846
- in Xt 846-848
- System V 854
- timers 846, 854
- work procedures 846
- single-bit pixmaps 80
- single-line editing
- and Text widgets 526, 534
- single-plane pixmaps 80
- size
- setting shell 641-645
- source icon (for a drag icon) 706
- spacebar key
- and tab key 284
- speci\xde cations
- Motif 5
- start_stop() 426
- state icon (for a drag icon) 706
- static~scrollbars 324
- status area 584
- strings
- and menu accelerator text 609
- arguments, passed to action functions 377
- breaking into multiple lines 815
- color, converting to 202
- comparing in a list 442
- compound 777, 803-842
- and List widgets 436
- and text Labels 390
- (see also compound strings)
- converting into pixels 203
- direction 814
- multibyte 580, 804
- multi-font 809, 817-819
- separators 815
- wide-character 580, 804
- style guide 41
- submenus
- building 623
- suites
- protocol 669
- sw_hoffset 353
- sw_voffset 353
- symbols
- MessageDialog 887-892
- system() 885
- system-modal dialogs 156
- tab groups 283
- and primitive widgets 287
- excluding widgets from 285
- navigation groups 284
- navigation types 287-288
- translation tables 288
- traversing 64, 283
- tab key 283
- and shift key 283
- target types
- data 700
- tear-off button 614
- tear-off menus 69, 591, 613-614
- TemplateDialog 198
- Text 525-587
- and clipboards 675
- and color 85
- and Label widgets 388, 390
- and tab groups 65
- and text deletion 572
- and text editors 527
- automatic resizing of 542
- byte capacity of 533, 536
- callbacks
- single-line 565
- text modi\xde cation 567-578
- clipboard functions 551-556, 692
- clipboard selection 528
- cut and paste 551
- compound strings 805
- creating 530
- cut and paste 551
- disabling drop site functionality 716
- displaying \xde le contents with, example 536
- drag and drop 51, 712
- dragging 699, 702
- dropping data into 699, 713
- editing modes 534
- fonts 813
- limitations of 525
- line wrapping 541
- modi\xde cation 567-578
- preventing 571
- multiline editing 534
- output-only 548
- positions 542-548
- PRIMARY selection 528
- cut and paste 551
- retrieving text 532
- scrollable 534
- scrolling 355, 546
- search and replace 546
- secondary selection 528
- selecting 528, 555
- setting resources on 218
- single-line editing 526, 534
- user interface for 527
- varargs 548
- XmNeditable 717
- text editors
- and Text widgets 525, 527
- dropping \xde les into 736-744
- providing help 749-753
- sample program 556
- widget 51
- TextField 51, 451
- and color 85
- creating 530
- disabling drop site functionality 716
- drag and drop 51, 712
- dragging 699
- dropping data into 699, 713
- XmNeditable 717
- (see also Text)
- tick marks 506
- TimeoutCursors() 881
- timers
- example 887
- using to process tasks 876
- Xt 846, 854
- title bars
- dialog 146, 215
- strings, setting 146
- window 649
- ToggleButtonGadget 406
- ToggleButtons 406-421
- and color 83
- and menus 623
- callbacks 412
- creating 357, 406-407, 409
- determining state of 412
- fonts 813
- gadget 406
- pixmaps 409-412
- resources associated with 407
- setting indicator width and height 409
- setting state of 412
- toggles (see ToggleButtons)
- toolkit
- initializing 20-24
- OSF/Motif 5
- TopLevelShell
- and dialogs 204, 227, 228, 230
- creating 204
- versus DialogShells 152
- transient dialogs
- de\xde nition 128
- TransientShell 152
- translation tables 14, 32
- and BulletinBoards 241
- and tab groups 288
- bugs 372
- DrawingArea 363, 371
- gadgets 290
- manager widget 288
- MenuShell 73
- translations
- and drag sources 702
- and text widgets 527
- overriding 726
- traversal
- processing manually 290
- type conversion 202
- unit length
- scrollbars 331
- UNIX signals 887
- unlocking clipboards 681
- unmanaging dialogs 140-142
- uppercase
- converting text to 568
- user interface 6-9
- values
- scrollbar 331
- varargs 23
- and dialogs 135
- VendorShell 152, 585, 639
- resources 647-650
- vertical scrollbars 50
- and scrolled lists 438
- vertically tiled format
- and PanedWindows 275
- vi
- and Text widgets 527
- view length
- scrollbars 332
- view_height
- and scrolled windows 353
- view_width
- and scrolled windows 353
- virtual bindings 33
- virtual keysyms 33
- WarningDialog 133
- wide-character strings 580, 804
- widgets
- creating 12, 24-25
- de\xde nition 12
- drag and drop 699
- event handling 32-39
- instantiating 12
- manager 25, 53-65
- (see also manager widgets)
- naming 31
- overview 41-96
- parent-child relationships 54
- protocol 654
- realizing 39
- redrawing 427
- window manager 637-672
- and dialogs 141
- and ICCCM 73
- and shell widgets 70
- borders 648
- bugs 646
- bypassing 72
- close item 651
- decorations 648
- menu functions 650
- protocols 71, 650-658
- resize handles 648
- resources
- interactivePlacement 230
- setting the title string 146
- standard decorations 71
- windows
- border color 83
- bypassing the window manager 72
- clearing, in DrawingAreas 364
- copying text between 673
- drawing into 883
- enlargening 649
- iconifying 649
- monitoring, example 884
- moving text between 673
- properties (see properties)
- reparenting 145
- scrolled
- creating 323
- secondary 74
- sizing and placement conventions 638
- titlebars 649
- WM_PROTOCOLS protocol 651
- WM_SAVE_YOURSELF protocol 655
- WMShell 639
- work areas
- and dialogs 78, 131
- in main windows 67
- work procedures 871-876
- and WorkDialog 873
- in Xt 846
- WorkDialog
- and work procedures 873
- example 877
- WorkingDialog 133, 870-887
- wprint() 548
- WWM_TAKE_FOCUS atom 651
- X event control loop 844
- X Input Context 584
- X Input Method 584
- X toolkit
- and Motif 608
- basic terminology 11
- X Toolkit Intrinsics
- selection mechanisms 700
- X11/cursorfont.h 881
- X11R5 19
- XAllocNamedColor() 118
- XChangeProperty() 670
- XChangeWindowAttributes() 881
- XCheckMaskEvent() 882
- XClearWindow()
- example 343
- XClientMessageEvent() 670
- xclipboard 695
- XCopyArea() 355
- example 343, 373
- XCopyPlane() 355
- XCreateFontCursor() 870, 881
- XCreateGC()
- example 373
- XCreateIC() 584
- XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData() 217
- example 209
- XCreateSimpleWindow() 646
- XDrawLine()
- example 343, 373
- XDrawString() 85
- example 343
- XFillRectangle()
- example 343, 373
- XFlush() 881
- XFontSet 582, 804
- XFreePixmap()
- versus XmDestroyPixmap 892
- XGetGeometry() 646
- XGetImage() 82
- XGetSelectionOwner() 693
- XGetWindowProperty() 670
- XIC 584
- XIM 584
- Ximp input method 585
- XInternAtom() 694
- XKeysymDB 34
- Xlib 17
- drawing 367
- XLoadQueryFont()
- example 396
- Xm library 14-16, 17
- Xm/ArrowB.h 421
- Xm/ArrowBG.h 421
- Xm/BulletinB.h 238
- Xm/Command.h 134
- Xm/DialogS.h
- and identifying DialogShells 154
- Xm/DrawingA.h 362
- Xm/DrawnB.h 427
- Xm/FileSB.h 134, 183
- Xm/Frame.h 272
- Xm/Label.h 389
- Xm/LabelG.h 389
- Xm/List.h 434
- Xm/MainW.h 98
- Xm/MessageB.h 133
- Xm/MwmUtil.h 649
- Xm/PanedW.h 276
- Xm/SashP.h 283
- Xm/SelectioB.h 134
- Xm/Text.h 530
- Xm/TextF.h 530
- Xm/ToggleB.h 406
- Xm/ToggleBG.h 407
- XmActivateWMProtocol() 669
- XmAddProtocolCallback()
- example 667
- XmAddProtocols()
- example 667
- XmAddTabGroup() 288
- XmAddWMProtocolCallback() 653
- example 651, 656
- XmAddWMProtocols() 655
- example 656
- XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING 268, 273, 394, 840
- XmALIGNMENT_CENTER 268, 273, 394, 840
- XmALIGNMENT_END 268, 273, 394, 840
- XmAnyCallbackStruct 38, 108, 149, 577
- XMapRaised() 868
- XmARROW_UP 423
- XmArrowButtonCallbackStruct 423
- XmAS_NEEDED 101, 324, 438
- XmATTACH_NONE 245, 247
- XmATTACH_SELF 245, 248
- XmATTACH_WIDGET 245, 246
- XmAUTOMATIC 101, 323
- xmbind 35
- XmbLookupString() 585
- XmBROWSE_SELECT 436, 455
- XmCascadeButtonGadgetClass 606
- XmCascadeButtonWidgetClass 606
- XmChangeColor() 84
- XmClipboardBeginCopy() 684
- example 684
- XmClipboardCancelCopy() 688
- XmClipboardCopy() 677, 679
- example 675, 684, 690
- XmClipboardCopyByName() 688
- and incremental copying 688
- example 684
- XmClipboardEndCopy() 678, 679
- example 675, 684, 690
- XmClipboardEndRetrieve() 680
- example 681, 684
- XmClipboardInquireCount() 691
- XmClipboardInquireFormat() 691
- XmClipboardInquireLength() 682
- example 683
- XmClipboardLock() 688
- XmClipboardRegisterFormat() 689
- example 690
- XmClipboardRetrieve()
- example 675, 681, 683, 684
- XmClipboardStartCopy() 677, 678
- example 675, 690
- XmClipboardStartRetrieve() 680
- example 681, 684
- XmClipboardUndoCopy() 679
- XmClipboardUnlock() 688
- XmClipboardWithdrawFormat() 680, 688, 691
- XmCommandAppendValue() 181
- XmCommandCallbackStruct 181
- XmCommandError() 181
- XmCommandGetChild() 181
- XmCommandSetValue() 181
- XmCommandWidgetClass 180
- XmCONSTANT 324, 438
- XmCR_ACTIVATE 109, 269, 367
- and DrawnButton 429
- and PushButton 402
- XmCR_APPLY 176, 186
- XmCR_ARM 426
- and DrawnButton 429
- and PushButton 402
- XmCR_CANCEL 149, 176, 186
- and DrawnButton 429
- and PushButton 402
- XmCR_DRAG 339, 503
- XmCR_EXPOSE 367, 429
- XmCR_HELP 149, 176, 186
- XmCR_INPUT 366, 367
- XmCR_NO_MATCH 176, 186
- XmCR_OK 149, 176, 186
- XmCR_RESIZE 367, 429
- XmCR_TO_TOP 339
- XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED 109, 339, 412, 503, 577
- XmCreateCommand() 134, 170, 180
- XmCreateDialogShell() 204, 215
- XmCreateDragIcon() 707, 718, 727
- XmCreateErrorDialog() 134
- XmCreateFileSelectionBox() 134, 170, 183
- XmCreateFileSelectionDialog() 117, 134, 170, 183
- example 184, 536, 557, 612
- XmCreateInformationDialog() 134
- example 862, 865
- XmCreateMenuBar() 603
- example 604
- XmCreateMessageBox() 134
- XmCreateMessageDialog() 134, 891
- example 133, 170-171, 862, 887
- XmCreateOptionMenu() 631
- example 631
- XmCreatePopupMenu() 625
- example 623
- XmCreatePromptDialog() 134, 169
- example 177
- XmCreatePulldownMenu() 604
- example 610, 623
- XmCreatePushButton() 24
- XmCreatePushButtonGadget() 24
- XmCreateQuestionDialog() 134
- example 136, 162
- XmCreateRadioBox() 268, 406, 414
- example 414
- XmCreateScrolledList() 437
- and Form widgets 260
- example 102, 455, 911
- XmCreateScrolledList(^^)
- example 396
- XmCreateScrolledText() 122, 218, 527, 535
- and Form widgets 260
- example 209, 333
- XmCreateSelectionBox() 134, 169
- XmCreateSelectionDialog() 134, 169
- XmCreateSimpleCheckBox() 406, 418
- XmCreateSimplePulldownMenu()
- example 557
- XmCreateTemplateDialog() 134
- XmCreateWarningDialog() 134
- XmCreateWarningDialog(^)
- example 144
- XmCreateWorkingDialog() 134, 875
- example 873
- XmDeactivateWMProtocol() 669
- XmDESTROY 141, 891
- XmDestroyPixmap() 80, 118
- versus XFreePixmap 892
- XmDialogShellWidgetClass 151
- XmDRAG_DROP_ONLY style 715
- XmDragCancel() 735
- XmDragDropFinishCallbackStruct 736
- XmDragProcCallbackStruct 754
- XmDragStart() 702, 711, 727, 729, 730, 731
- XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct 366
- XmDrawnButtonCallbackStruct 429
- XmDropProcCallbackStruct 746, 753
- XmDropSiteCon\xde gureStackingOrder() 706
- XmDropSiteEndUpdate() 746
- XmDropSiteEnterCallbackStruct 734
- XmDropSiteQueryStackingOrder() 706
- XmDropSiteRegister() 704
- for registering Label 745
- XmDropSiteRetrieve() 704, 735, 745
- XmDropSiteStartUpdate() 746
- XmDropSiteUnregister() 716, 717
- XmDropSiteUpdate() 704, 716, 717, 746
- XmDropStartCallbackStruct 735
- XmDropTransferAdd() 705, 748, 749
- XmDropTransferEntryRec 747, 748
- XmDropTransferStart() 705, 709, 712, 747, 753
- xmemo.c program 911
- XmEXTENDED_SELECT selection policy 458
- XmFILE_ANY_TYPE \xde le type mask 192
- XmFILE_DIRECTORY \xde le type mask 192
- XmFILE_REGULAR \xde le type mask 192
- XmFileSelectionBoxCallbackStruct 186
- XmFileSelectionBoxWidgetClass 183
- XmFileSelectionDoSearch() 186
- XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG 583, 806, 812
- XmFontListAppendEntry()
- example 396
- XmFontListEntryCreate()
- example 396
- XmFontListFree()
- example 396
- XmGetDragContext() 733
- XmGetFocusWidget() 293
- XmGetPixmap() 118, 393, 411, 726
- and XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData() 217
- example 409
- XmGetPixmap(^^)
- example 427
- XmGetPixmapByDepth() 727
- XmGetTabGroup() 293
- XmGetTearOffControl() 614
- XmGetXmDisplay() 713, 715
- XmGetXmScreen() 717, 718
- XmHORIZONTAL 263, 266, 336, 501
- XmInstallImage() 80, 81, 82
- XmInternAtom() 653, 694, 726, 745
- example 651, 667
- versus XInternAtom() 653
- XmIsDialogShell macro 154
- XmIsMessageBox macro 155
- XmIsTraversable() 293
- xmLabelGadgetClass pointer 389
- XmListAddItem() 439
- XmListAddItems() 439
- XmListAddItemsUnselected() 439
- XmListAddItemUnselected() 439
- example 440, 447
- XmListDeleteAllItems() 444
- XmListDeleteItem() 444
- XmListDeleteItems() 445
- XmListDeleteItemsPos() 444, 445
- XmListDeletePos() 444
- XmListDeletePositions() 445
- XmListDeselectAllItems() 446
- XmListDeselectItem() 446
- XmListDeselectPos() 446
- XmListGetKbdItemPos() 453
- XmListGetMatchPos() 443
- XmListGetSelectedPos() 446
- XmListItemExists() 442
- XmListItemPos() 443
- XmListPosSelected() 446
- XmListPosToBounds() 453
- XmListReplaceItems() 444
- XmListReplaceItemsPos() 443
- XmListReplaceItemsPosUnselected() 443
- XmListReplaceItemsUnselected() 444
- XmListReplacePositions() 444
- XmListSelectPos()
- example 911
- XmListSetBottomItem() 452
- XmListSetBottomPos() 452
- example 452
- XmListSetItem() 452
- XmListSetKbdItemPos() 453
- XmListSetPos() 452
- example 452
- XmListWidgetClass 434
- XmListYToPos() 453
- XmMainWindowSetAreas() 122
- example 536
- XmMAX_ON_BOTTOM 336, 501
- XmMAX_ON_LEFT 336, 501
- XmMAX_ON_RIGHT 336, 501
- XmMAX_ON_TOP 336, 501
- XmMENU_BAR 122, 262
- XmMenuPosition()
- example 593, 626
- XmMessageBoxGetChild() 198
- example 162, 862, 865, 877, 887
- XmMULTIPLE_SELECT 436, 445, 457
- XmNaccelerator 608
- XmNacceleratorText 608, 609
- XmNactivateCallback
- and DrawnButton 429
- and nonstandard buttons 197
- and PushButton 367, 400
- and Text widgets 565
- and TextField widgets 565
- automation of 567
- example 565
- reasons 367
- XmNalignment 268, 394
- XmNallowShellResize 644
- XmNanimationMask
- for DropSite 754
- XmNanimationPixmap
- for DropSite 754
- XmNanimationStyle 705, 754
- for DropSite 753
- XmNapplyCallback 135, 177
- XmNapplyLabelString 135
- XmNarmCallback 400
- XmNarmColor 83
- XmNarrowDirection 423
- XmNattachment 707
- XmNaudibleWarning 571
- XmNautoShowCursorPosition 546
- XmNautoUnmanage 140, 179
- XmNbackground 83
- XmNbackgroundPixmap 431
- XmNbaseHeight 641
- XmNbaseWidth 641
- XmNblendModel 707, 728
- XmNborderColor 83
- XmNbottomAttachment 245
- XmNbottomOffset 250
- XmNbottomPosition 247
- XmNbottomShadowColor 83
- XmNbottomWidget 246
- XmNbrowseSelectionCallback 454, 455
- XmNbuttonFontList 147, 238, 813
- XmNcancelCallback 135
- XmNcancelLabelString 135
- XmNchildHorizontalAlignment 273
- XmNchildHorizontalSpacing 273
- XmNchildPlacement 198
- XmNchildType 272
- XmNchildVerticalAlignment 273
- XmNclientData 729
- XmNclipWindow 325
- XmNcolormap 384
- XmNcolumns 540
- XmNcommandWindow 123
- XmNconvertProc 703, 704, 709, 711, 712, 729, 730, 733, 748
- XmNcursorPositionVisible 540
- XmNdecimalPoints 500
- XmNdecrementCallback 339
- XmNdefaultActionCallback 454
- XmNdefaultButton 144, 155, 227
- XmNdefaultButtonShadowThickness 219
- XmNdefaultButtonType 143
- XmNdefaultCopyCursorIcon 717
- XmNdefaultFontList 813
- XmNdefaultInvalidCursorIcon 717
- XmNdefaultLinkCursorIcon 717
- XmNdefaultMoveCursorIcon 717
- XmNdefaultNoneCursorIcon 717
- XmNdefaultPosition 153
- XmNdefaultSourceCursorIcon 717, 718
- XmNdefaultValidCursorIcon 717
- XmNdefaultVirtualBindings 35
- XmNdeleteResponse 141, 891
- XmNdepth 707
- XmNdestroyCallback 613
- and destroying dialogs 887
- and Text widgets 536
- callback routine 152
- XmNdialogStyle 159
- XmNdialogTitle 146
- XmNdialogType 151, 170
- in Motif 1.2 198
- XmNdirectoryValid 191
- XmNdirListItemCount 191
- XmNdirListItems 191
- XmNdirListLabelString 135
- XmNdirSearchProc 191, 192
- XmNdirSpec 187
- XmNdisarmCallback 400
- XmNdoubleClickInterval 455
- XmNdragCallback 503
- and ScrollBars 339
- XmNdragDropFinishCallback 712, 729, 736
- XmNdragInitiatorProtocolStyle 709, 713, 714, 715, 716
- XmNdragMotionCallback 734
- XmNdragOperations 702, 728
- for DragContext 754
- XmNdragProc 705, 708, 709, 711, 715, 754
- XmNdragReceiverProtocolStyle 709, 713, 715, 716
- XmNdropFinishCallback 712, 736
- XmNdropProc 711, 712, 746, 748
- for DropSite 735, 745, 746, 749
- for Text drop site 745
- XmNdropRectangles 706
- XmNdropSiteActivity 716, 717
- XmNdropSiteEnterCallback 734
- XmNdropSiteLeaveCallback 734
- XmNdropSiteOperations 704, 745, 754
- XmNdropSiteType 706
- XmNdropStartCallback 712
- of DragContext 735
- XmNdropTransfers 705, 747
- XmNeditable 218, 540, 548, 717
- XmNeditMode 534
- XmNentryAlignment 267, 395
- XmNentryCallback 269
- and menus 607
- example 270
- XmNentryClass 268
- XmNentryVerticalAlignment 268, 395
- XmNexportTargets 703, 728, 733
- for DragContext 748
- for DragSource 754
- XmNexposeCallback
- and DrawingArea 351
- and DrawnButton 429
- and Expose events 363
- and expose_resize() 353
- and Scrollbars 377
- Eventtypes 367
- XmNextendedSelectionCallback 454, 458
- XmN\xde leListItemCount 187
- XmN\xde leListItems 187
- XmN\xde leListLabelString 135
- XmN\xde leSearchProc 187
- XmN\xde lterLabelString 135
- XmNfocusCallback 237, 579
- XmNfontList 396, 583, 809, 819
- XmNforeground 83
- XmNfractionBase 226, 247, 253
- XmNheight 230, 707
- XmNheightInc 641
- XmNhelpCallback 135, 389, 864
- XmNhelpLabelString 135, 167
- XmNhightlightColor 83
- XmNhorizontalScrollBar 123, 325
- XmNhorizontalSpacing 257
- XmNhotX 707
- XmNhotY 707
- XmNiconic 646
- XmNiconName 647
- XmNiconPixmap 645
- XmNiconWindow 646
- XmNiconX 647
- XmNiconY 647
- XmNimportTargets 704
- for DropSite 745, 754
- for Text drop site 745, 746
- XmNincrement 332, 335
- XmNincremental 703, 709
- XmNincrementCallback 339
- XmNindicatorOn 411
- XmNindicatorSize 409
- XmNindicatorType 407, 408, 414
- XmNinitialFocus 145
- XmNinputCallback 363, 366
- Eventtypes 367
- XmCR_INPUT as reason 366
- XmNinputMethod 585
- XmNinvalidCursorForeground 718
- of DragContext 735
- XmNisAligned 267
- XmNisHomogeneous 268, 414
- XmNitemCount 436
- XmNitems 436
- XmNlabelFontList 147, 239, 813
- XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap 394, 430
- XmNlabelPixmap 217, 391, 430, 726
- XmNlabelString 390, 748
- XmNlabelType 217, 390, 391, 409
- XmPIXMAP as value 217
- XmNleftAttachment 245
- XmNleftOffset 250
- XmNleftPosition 247
- XmNleftWidget 246
- XmNlistItemCount 174
- XmNlistItems 174
- XmNlistLabelString 135, 174
- XmNlistSizePolicy 438
- XmNlistUpdated 187, 191
- XmNlistVisibleItemCount 174
- XmNlosingFocusCallback 579, 580
- XmNmainWindowMarginHeight 124
- XmNmainWindowMarginWidth 124
- XmNmapCallback 229, 237
- and positioning dialogs 229
- XmNmask 707, 727
- XmNmaxHeight 641
- XmNmaximum 333, 335, 500
- XmNmaxLength 533
- XmNmaxWidth 641
- XmNmenuBar 103, 123
- XmNmenuHelpWidget 115, 610, 618
- XmNmenuPost 631
- XmNmessageString 135, 198
- XmNmessageWindow 123
- XmNminHeight 641
- XmNminimizeButtons 145
- XmNminimum 333, 335, 500
- XmNminWidth 641
- XmNmnemonic 607
- XmNmodifyVerifyCallback 568, 582
- XmNmodifyVerifyCallbackWcs 582
- XmNmotionVerifyCallback 578
- XmNmultiClick 405
- XmNmultipleSelectionCallback 454, 457
- XmNmustMatch 175
- XmNmwmDecorations 648
- XmNmwmFunctions 650
- XmNmwmMenu 669
- XmNnavigationType 287
- XmNnoMatchCallback 175
- XmNnoneCursorForeground
- of DragContext 735
- XmNnoResize 146
- XmNnumColumns 265, 393
- XmNnumDropRectangles 706
- XmNnumDropTransfers 705, 747
- XmNnumExportTargets 703, 728, 733
- XmNnumImportTargets 704
- for Text drop site 745
- XmNoffsetX 707
- XmNoffsetY 707
- XmNokCallback 135, 175
- XmNokLabelString 135
- XmNONE 287
- XmNoperationChangedCallback 734
- XmNoperationCursorIcon 703, 717, 728
- of DragContext 735
- XmNorientation 336, 501
- and RowColumns 263, 265, 266
- XmNpacking 265
- XmNpageDecrementCallback 339
- XmNpageIncrement 333
- XmNpageIncrementCallback 339
- XmNpaneMaximum 227, 278
- XmNpaneMinimum 227, 278
- XmNpixmap 707, 727
- XmNpopdownCallback 141, 231, 613
- XmNpopupCallback 141, 231
- XmNpositionIndex 276
- XmNpreeditType 585
- XmNprocessingDirection 336, 501
- XmNpromptString 135
- XmNpushButtonEnabled 430
- XmNqualifySearchProc 192
- XmNradioAlwaysOne 414
- used in menus 115
- XmNradioBehavior
- and CheckBox 418
- and RadioBox 414
- and RowColumn 408
- used in menus 115
- XmNresizable 257
- XmNresizeCallback 363
- and DrawingAreas 351
- and DrawnButton 429
- and expose_resize() 353
- Eventtypes 367
- XmNresizeHeight 542
- XmNresizePolicy 439
- XmNresizeWidth 542
- XmNrightAttachment 245
- XmNrightOffset 250
- XmNrightPosition 247
- XmNrightWidget 246
- XmNrowColumnType 122, 262
- XmNrows 540
- XmNrubberPositioning 257
- XmNsashHeight 216
- XmNsashWidth 216
- XmNscaleMultiple 502
- XmNscrollBarDisplayPolicy 101, 323, 325, 438
- XmNscrollBarPlacement 336
- XmNscrollHorizontal 541
- XmNscrollingPolicy 101, 323, 325, 377
- XmNscrollLeftSide 541
- XmNscrollTopSide 541
- XmNscrollVertical 541
- XmNselectColor 83
- XmNselectedItemCount 445
- XmNselectedItems 445
- XmNselectInsensitivePixmap 411
- XmNselectionArray 555
- XmNselectionArrayCount 555
- XmNselectionLabelString 135
- XmNselectionPolicy 436, 445, 455, 457
- XmNselectPixmap 409
- XmNselectThreshold 556
- XmNsensitive 205
- and deactivating menus 606
- and pixmaps 411
- XmNset 409
- XmNshadowThickness 238
- XmNshadowType 238, 272, 430
- XmNshowAsDefault 219
- XmNshowSeparator 124
- XmNshowValue 500, 501
- XmNsingleSelectionCallback 454, 455
- XmNskipAdjust 216
- XmNsliderSize 333
- XmNsource 587
- XmNsourceCursorIcon 703, 717, 728, 735
- of DragContext 735
- XmNsourcePixmapIcon 735
- of DragContext 735
- XmNstateCursorIcon 703, 717
- of DragContext 735
- XmNstringDirection 394, 541, 808, 814
- XmNsubMenuId 605
- XmNsymbolPixmap 135, 198, 887
- example 887
- XmNtearOffMenuActivateCallback 614
- XmNtearOffMenuDeactivateCallback 614
- XmNtearOffModel 613
- XmNtextFontList 147, 239, 813
- XmNtextString 179
- XmNtitle 146, 215, 647
- XmNtitleString 500
- XmNtoBottomCallback 339
- XmNtopAttachment 245
- XmNtopItemPosition 452
- XmNtopLevelEnterCallback 734
- XmNtopLevelLeaveCallback 734
- XmNtopOffset 250
- XmNtopPosition 247
- XmNtopShadowColor 83
- XmNtopWidget 246
- XmNtoTopCallback 339
- XmNtransferProc 705, 709, 712
- for DropTransfer 748
- of DropSite 736
- XmNtransferStatus 705, 753
- XmNtranslations 373, 702, 716, 726, 731
- XmNtraversalOn 285, 439
- XmNtraverseObscuredCallback 356
- example 356
- XmNtroughColor 83
- XmNuserData 202, 367, 726, 731
- for Label 729
- XmNvalidCursorForeground 718
- of DragContext 735
- XmNvalue
- and Scale 500
- and ScrollBars 333
- and Text widget 218, 531, 581
- and TextField widget 531, 581
- XmNvalueChangedCallback 339, 412, 414, 503, 568, 577, 623
- XmNvalueWcs 581
- XmNverifyBell 571
- XmNverticalScrollBar 123
- XmNverticalSpacing 257
- XmNvisibleItemCount 261, 437, 438
- XmNvisibleWhenOff 414
- XmNvisualPolicy 323
- XmNwidth 230, 707
- XmNwidthInc 641
- XmNwordWrap 541
- XmNworkWindow 123, 325
- XmNx 230
- XmNy 230
- XmPIXMAP 217, 390, 391, 409
- XmProcessTraversal() 292, 567, 579
- XmPushButtonCallbackStruct 38, 108, 401
- XmRegisterSegmentEncoding() 812
- XmRowColumn 261-271
- XmRowColumnCallbackStruct 269
- XmScaleCallbackStruct 503
- XmScaleGetValue() 501
- XmScaleSetValue() 501
- XmScrollBarCallbackStruct 338
- XmScrollBarGetValues() 355
- XmScrollBarSetValues() 355
- XmScrolledWindowSetAreas() 352
- example 343
- XmScrollVisible() 358
- XmSelectionBoxCallbackStruct 176
- XmSelectionBoxGetChild() 176, 179
- example 170, 177, 202
- XmSelectItem() 445
- XmSelectPos() 445
- XmSHADOW_ETCHED_IN 238, 272, 430
- XmSHADOW_ETCHED_OUT 238, 272, 430
- XmSHADOW_IN 238, 272, 430
- XmSHADOW_OUT 238, 272, 430
- XmSINGLE_SELECT 436, 455
- XmSTATIC 438
- value 324
- XmSTATIC value 325
- XmSTRING 390
- XmString type
- example 16
- XmStringBaseline() 841
- XmStringByteCompare() 442
- XmStringConcat() 817
- XmStringCreate() 808, 817
- example 396
- XmStringCreateLocalized() 805, 864
- example 16, 133, 136, 160, 416, 447, 536, 551, 557, 593, 911
- XmStringCreateLocalized(^^)
- example 403
- XmStringCreateLtoR() 815, 864
- example 144, 170-171, 396
- XmStringCreateSimple()
- example 209
- XmStringDirection type 815
- XmStringDirectionCreate() 808, 815
- XmStringDraw() 839
- XmStringDrawImage() 839, 840
- XmStringDrawUnderline() 839, 840
- XmStringExtent() 841
- XmStringFree() 806
- example 16, 210, 396, 440, 447, 551, 557
- XmStringFree(^^)
- example 403
- XmStringFreeContext() 822
- example 823
- XmStringGetLtoR() 176, 186, 457
- example 170-171, 455, 457, 536
- XmStringGetNextSegment() 822
- example 823
- XmStringHeight() 841
- XmStringInitContext() 821
- example 823
- XmStringLineCount() 817
- XmStringSegmentCreate() 814
- XmStringTable
- example 396
- XmStringWidth() 841
- XmTextBlock 570
- XmTextBlockWcs 582
- XmTextClearSelection() 555, 693
- XmTextCopy() 554, 692
- XmTextCut() 554, 692
- XmTextDisableRedisplay() 532
- XmTextEnableRedisplay() 532
- XmTextField
- used in selection box 169
- XmTextFieldGetString() 533
- XmTextFieldSetCursorPosition()
- example 536
- XmTextFieldSetString() 532
- example 440, 447, 536
- XmTextFindString() 545
- XmTextFindStringWcs() 582
- XmTextGetCursorPosition() 542
- example 542, 557
- XmTextGetInsertionPosition() 542
- XmTextGetLastPosition() 546, 572
- example 557
- XmTextGetSelection() 555, 693
- XmTextGetSelectionPosition() 555
- XmTextGetSelectionWcs() 582
- XmTextGetString() 532
- example 547, 557
- XmTextGetStringWcs() 582
- XmTextGetSubstring() 533
- XmTextGetSubstringWcs() 582
- XmTextHighlight() 557
- XmTextInsert() 550
- example 549
- XmTextInsertWcs() 582
- XmTextPaste() 692
- XmTextPosition type 542
- XmTextReplace() 546
- example 547, 557
- XmTextReplaceWcs() 582
- XmTextScanType type 556
- XmTextScroll() 546
- XmTextSetCursorPosition() 542
- XmTextSetHighlight()
- example 557
- XmTextSetInsertionPosition() 542, 577
- example 542
- XmTextSetSelection() 693
- XmTextSetString() 181, 532, 748
- example 536, 542, 547, 551
- XmTextSetStringWcs() 582
- XmTextShowPosition() 546, 550
- example 549
- XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct 569
- XmTextVerifyCallbackStructWcs 582
- XmToggleButtonCallbackStruct 412
- XmToggleButtonGadgetGetState() 412
- XmToggleButtonGadgetSetState() 413
- XmToggleButtonGetState() 412
- XmToggleButtonSetState() 413
- XmTOP_LEFT 336
- XmTrackingEvent() 869
- XmTranslateKey() 35
- XmTraverseObscuredCallbackStruct 357
- XmUninstallImage() 82
- XmUNMAP 141
- XmUpdateDisplay() 883
- example 877, 884
- XmVaCreateSimpleCheckBox() 418
- XmVaCreateSimpleMenuBar() 104, 592
- example 106, 210, 536, 551
- XmVaCreateSimpleOptionMenu() 592
- example 601
- XmVaCreateSimplePopupMenu() 592
- example 593, 598
- XmVaCreateSimplePulldownMenu() 105, 116, 592
- example 536, 551, 598
- XmVaCreateSimpleRadioBox() 416
- example 416
- XmVaRADIOBUTTON 107, 416
- value 325
- XmVaTITLE 107
- XmVERTICAL 263, 266, 336, 501
- XOpenIM() 584
- XQueryBestCursor() 715
- XQueryTree() 670
- XSendEvent() 670
- XSetErrorHandler() 550
- XSetFont()
- example 343
- XSetForeground()
- example 343, 373
- XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap() 431
- example 646
- xshowbitmap.c program 905
- Xsi input method 585
- Xt
- programming with 16-39
- Xt library 14-16, 17
- Xt selection mechanisms 709
- XtActionsRec 241
- XtAddActions() 241
- XtAddCallback() 198, 227
- adding dialog callbacks 148
- example 147, 170-171, 368, 498, 504
- XtAddEventHandler() 630
- example 643
- XtAppAddActions() 702, 726, 731
- XtAppAddInput() 886
- XtAppAddTimeOut() 871, 876
- and signal handling 853
- example 887
- XtAppAddWorkProc() 847, 875
- XtAppMainLoop()
- and signal handling 846
- XtAppSetErrorHandler() 550
- XtAppSetWarningHandler() 550
- XtCallCallbacks() 870
- XtConvertSelectionIncrProc 703
- XtConvertSelectionProc 703, 729
- XtCreateApplicationShell() 204
- XtCreatePopupShell() 151, 204
- XtDestroyWidget() 220, 736
- XtDisplayOfObject() 678
- XtGetMultiClickTime() 556
- XtGetValues() 733
- XtGrabExclusive 137
- XtGrabKind 137
- XtGrabNone 137
- XtGrabNonexclusive 137
- XtInitialize() 21
- XtIsVendorShell() 639
- XtMalloc()
- example 170-171
- XtManageChild() 136
- and popping up dialogs 136, 231
- XtNew() 891
- XtNtitle 215
- XtOverrideTranslations() 241, 372
- example 239
- XtParent() 137, 535
- XtParseTranslationTable() 241, 702, 726, 731
- example 239, 373
- XtPopdown() 231
- XtPopup() 231
- XtQueryGeometry() 841
- and PanedWindows 280
- XtRemoveEventHandler()
- example 643
- XtRemoveWorkProc() 875
- XtResolvePathname() 803
- XtSelectionCallbackProc 705, 748
- XtSetArg()
- example 211
- XtSetLanguageProc() 20, 580, 803
- XtSetMultiClickTime() 402, 556
- XtSetSensitive() 394, 611
- example 170-171, 612
- XtSetValues()
- example 102
- XtVaAppCreateShell() 204
- XtVaAppInitialize() 21
- XtVaCreateApplicationShell() 204
- XtVaCreateArgsList() 506
- example 504
- XtVaCreateManagedWidget() 149, 406
- and creating Frame widgets 272
- and creating List widgets 434
- versus XtVaCreateWidget() 235
- XtVaCreatePopupShell() 204
- example 215, 222
- XtVaCreateWidget() 149
- versus XtVaCreateManagedWidget() 235
- XtVaGetValues() 27, 532, 704, 715, 746
- XtVaSetValues() 27, 704, 715, 717
- XtVaTypedArg 84, 102, 202
- and compound strings 806
- XtWidgetGeometry type 282
- XtWindowOfObject() 678
- XwcLookupString() 585
- zero-length attachment offsets 252