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X-Designer Download, Installation & Licensing

Downloading X-Designer

Go to the URL that you have been given. You will be asked for a username and password. Enter these exactly as provided, and be careful to distinguish the digits 0 and 1 from the letters O and l.

The page you see will contain:
some general instructions
links to compressed tar archives for various platforms
links to PDF versions of the documentation
installation instructions
notes for Linux and FreeBSD platform users (as appropriate)

Download the appropriate file by clicking on the appropriate link, saving into a temporary directory with at least 50MB free. In order to ensure that you are prompted to save the file, you may have to right click on the file name and then select 'Save Link As'

Installing X-Designer

Once you have downloaded the archive (e.g. SUNSOL8.TAR.gz), install X-Designer as follows (obviously changing SUNSOL8.TAR.gz to the name of the file you have downloaded):

cd <directory where you have put SUNSOL8.TAR.gz>
gzip -d SUNSOL8.TAR.gz
tar xvf SUNSOL8.TAR
(this unpacks several files, including Install)
./Install -t SUNSOL8.TAR -d $XDROOT
(where $XDROOT is the directory into which X-Designer is to be installed)
delete the other interim files - see the tar xvf output

X-Designer for Linux is provided as a special shell archive, e.g. xd-8.1-Linux.sh. This is the recommended method to use.

To install both OpenMotif (32-bit) and X-Designer in the default locations:
sh xd-8.1-Linux.sh
To just extract the OpenMotif and the X-Designer rpm files from the shell archive without installing, so that you can use the standard rpm options:
sh xd-8.1-Linux.sh -e

X-Designer for Linux is also provided as a rpm file. Use the normal rpm facilities to install X-Designer, e.g.:

rpm -ivh xdesigner-8.0-1.i586.rpm

Note that this installed release includes documentation in html format. Browse index.html in the top level directory. If you would like the documentation in PDF format then download that, and uncompress it, if necessary.

Running and Licensing X-Designer

You will be able to run X-Designer (use the command $XDROOT/bin/xdesigner) in DEMO mode, which is the fully functional product, except that you will be unable to save or generate anything.

To get a different license follow the instructions in the Installation and Release notes, which are briefly summarised here:

For platforms other than Linux and FreeBSD:
Run $XDROOT/lmgr/bin/lmhostid
Use the output to fill in the form $XDROOT/INS_FORM
Send the form to license@ist-inc.com
You will then receive a license authorization key
Amend $XDROOT/lib/license.dat by using any text editor
Start lmgrd by using a command similar to the following (on one line) - please get the syntax correct for your shell:
$XDROOT/lmgr/lib/lmgrd -c $XDROOT/lib/license.dat > /tmp/lmgr.log 2>&1 &

For Linux and FreeBSD:
Run $XDROOT/lib/xlm/xlmsysid
Use the output to fill in the form $XDROOT/INS_FORM
Send the form to license@ist-inc.com
You will then receive a license authorization key
Create $XDROOT/lib/license.dat using any text editor
Start xlmd by using a command similar to the following (on one line) - please get the syntax correct for your shell:
$XDROOT/lib/xlm/xlmd $XDROOT/lib/license.dat > /tmp/lmgr.log 2>&1 &
Set XLMHOST to the hostname of the machine running xlmd. Don't forget to export XLMHOST if your shell requires that.

Further Information

For more information refer to the Installation and Release Notes. These are in
  1. html files in the X-Designer release - browse $XDROOT/index.html.
  2. a series of ascii text files in $XDROOT (namely README, INSTALLATION, AUTHENTICATION, PLATFORM and RELEASE).
  3. a PDF file available from the X-Designer download page.

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