Key Features
X-Designer, the award-winning Motif GUI builder, does much, much more than build Motif GUIs.
Imagine that you could do all these things with one tool...
- Design high-quality user interfaces quickly and generate non-proprietary, portable code. Create your own custom icons with the built-in Pixmap editor, dynamically link dialogs together, use sophisticated resource handling and advanced search facilities, organise widgets "on the fly" with the Layout Editors. As you're designing, the live user interface is there for you to see and try out.
- Get a head start by loading into X-Designer the most commonly used user interface components. Specify which parts you want in the integrated design tool AppGuru - a toolbar, menubar, status area, sub-dialogs. This is your shortcut to good interface design.
- Generate Windows code from your Motif design. X-Designer generates native Windows code and resources - load the code straight into Visual C++. Build it. Run it.
- Generate pure Java from your Motif design. This not only gives you full portability, it also means you won't be left behind. One application, multiple platforms.
- Create Web-ready client applications independent of any specific toolkit. X-Designer's Smart Code wraps up your user interface into a portable package. Use widget callbacks to access remote servers as easily as you access widgets within the same application.
- Look ahead. Existing designs or new designs can be made front ends to the World Wide Web complete with full incoming HTML data handling and HTTP code generation. Combine this with the ability to generate your choice of Java, Windows code or toolkit-independent Smart Code and you need never be left in the dark.
- Let X-Designer generate a separate server and client from your design. You can even try out your remote server callbacks by pressing the "Go Live" button.
- Support legacy code. Capture any existing Motif user interface into X-Designer. Simply run the application and let XD/Capture analyse and rebuild it inside X-Designer. You don't even need the original code - X-Designer will generate that for you. You could do this right now.
- Use built-in technology to create tests for your own applications. Just test your application in the usual way with XD/Replay running and re-usable test scripts are generated for you. Used in conjunction with XD/Capture you can generate scripts for any Motif user interface whether it has been designed with X-Designer or not.
- Integrate third party widgets using the dedicated editor xdconfig. Add X or Motif widgets to X-Designer's palette and use them in your designs.
...with X-Designer you can.
You have to try it to believe it.
Source Code - Your Rights
You have full rights over generated code and limited rights over files in the X-Designer distribution.
Screen Shots
Contact us
Contact us
by using our
Enquiry Form or
Evaluate Now
To register your interest in X-Designer, and to get an evaluation copy of X-Designer, please fill in and submit the X-Designer form or otherwise contact us.
Please note that X-Designer runs on UNIX, Linux and VMS. It does NOT run on Windows, although it can produce code for Windows.
During your evaluation please take advantage of our Support Desk
(use the Problem Reporting Form
or contact us otherwise)
for ANY questions you may have about X-Designer and its uses. You will quickly discover the the quality and depth of our Technical Support.
Installation and Licensing
The software is available for download, under the terms of our standard Product License agreement. Please read it. A paper copy of the Installation and Release notes is provided in the Release - just browse index.html in the top level directory.
See also the Installation page.
Because we trade world-wide in a number of currencies and tax regimes it is not possible to quote a single standard price for our products in every country.
The following price for a single user license, including one year of software support and upgrades, applies to the English version obtained from our US office for use in mainland USA only and excludes any local taxes (for example sales tax):
For other quantities or for sales in other parts of the world please
contact us by using our
enquiry form or
Platform Availability
X-Designer runs on:
- Linux
- Solaris 7, 8, 9 & 10
- Solaris x86
- Sunos 4
- Solaris 2
- IBM Aix
- Digital UNIX
- UnixWare
- LynxOS
but NOT Windows.
For more information see the Platform Availability page.
Code Generation
From a single design X-Designer can generate:
You do not need to run X-Designer on the target platform - it can be used to design GUIs for applications running on almost any system, including real-time embedded operating systems such as VxWorks and QNX.